pengunduran diri paus benediktus xvi bahasa Inggris
- pengunduran: retirement; deferment; postponement; backdown;
- pengunduran diri: resignation; retirement; withdrawal; backdown;
- diri: put up; self; set up; ego; person; built;
- paus: pope; popes; pontiff; the holy father; whale;
- paus benediktus: pope benedict
- paus benediktus xvi: pope benedict xvi
- benediktus: benedict
- lambang paus benediktus xvi: coat of arms of pope benedict xvi
- beatifikasi oleh paus benediktus xvi: beatifications by pope benedict xvi
- daftar orang yang dibeatifikasi oleh paus benediktus xvi: list of people beatified by pope benedict xvi
- pengunduran diri: resignation; retirement; withdrawal; backdown; climb-down
- paus benediktus ⅩⅥ: pope benedict ⅩⅥ
- memyatakan pengunduran diri: sounded a retreat; sounding a retreat
- mendorong pengunduran diri: led to the resignation of
- mengajukan pengunduran diri: send in papers
- Cinema of Italy List of fictional clergy and religious figures Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI Smith, Ian Hayden (2012).
Sinema Italia Daftar pemuka agama dan figur keagamaan fiksi Pengunduran diri Paus Benediktus XVI ^ Smith, Ian Hayden (2012).